For each MSS, TM, ETM+, and OLI image downloaded, several outputs are created. From these
single image outputs, annual cloud-free image composites are derived by infilling
where clouds are present and taking the mean pixel value from overlapping near-date images.
MSS image data
- 4-band DN raster stack
- 4-band radiance raster stack
- 4-band atmospherically corrected surface reflectance
- 3-band TM-calibrated tasseled cap raster stack
- 1-band TM-calibrated tasseled cap angle raster
- 1-band cloud and shadow mask raster
TM/ETM+ image data
- 6-band atmospherically corrected surface reflectance (LEDAPS) raster stack
- 3-band tasseled cap raster stack
- 1-band tasseled cap angle raster
- 1-band cloud and shadow mask raster
OLI image data
- 7-band atmospherically corrected surface reflectance (L8SR) raster stack
- 3-band ETM+ -calibrated tasseled cap raster stack
- 1-band ETM+ -calibrated tasseled cap angle raster
- 1-band cloud and shadow mask raster
Composite image data
- 1-band annual cloud-free tasseled cap brightness raster
- 1-band annual cloud-free tasseled cap greenness raster
- 1-band annual cloud-free tasseled cap wetness raster
- 1-band annual cloud-free tasseled cap angle
- Multi-band cloud-free tasseled cap brightness time-series raster stack
- Multi-band cloud-free tasseled cap greenness time-series raster stack
- Multi-band cloud-free tasseled cap wetness time-series raster stack
- Multi-band cloud-free tasseled cap angle time-series raster stack
Spectral chronology
LLR time series vizualization tool: LLR-TimeMachine