MSS L1G-2-L1T Initializer is a manual image-to-image tie point identification tool to give the automated tie point finder a hint about where to start.
It displays a reference image and an image to be warped side-by-side. The goal is to identify at least 3 spatially coincident
points for each image set. This gives the automated image-to-image tie point identification script a place to start.
Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out of the images. Find a location that is easily identified and well-defined in each image. Zoom into the images
so they are pixelated and try to identify roughly the same pixel between the images (within a pixel or two). Double click on the selected pixel to insert a point,
do the same in the other image. Once both points have been placed, the point will disappear. Add at least two more point sets. The application tool-bar will
tell you how many point sets you have identified. Once you have found enough points, press the Next Image button
If the image to be fixed is completely cloudy, has many bad lines, or coincident points between it and the reference image cannot be found, press the Skip
button to release a drop-down menu from which to choose the reason for skipping. If another image to be fixed is in the queue, it will load after your selection
is made.
Once you have completed identifying a set of initializing tie-points for each image, the Download Tie Points button will turn green and become active.
Press the button to download a text file (.json) that contains all of the information you just collected. Save the file to a location you will remember.
The file location will be set as a variable in the automated image-to-image tie point script.